Estudios Sociales

Causes of Independence of America

- Ideas of Enlightment
- The Spanish Succesion War
- French Revolution
- Independence of the 13 Colonies
- Expansion of the french army under Napoleon
- Crisis of the Spanish Empire

Succesion Spanish War 1701-1713


- Death of Spanish Habsburg King Charles II
- Louis XIV son claimed the throne

The End
- Treat of Utrecht 1713
-Phillip V was recognized as the spanish king

Repercusions in America
- Bubonic Reforms
- Political Reforms
- Economical Reform
-Social Reforms


Is a political movement in the XVIII century. It tried to establish the use of reason.

Characteristics: Was a late 17th- and 18th-century and thinkers were the liberals of their day.

Reason: People were able to understant and explain everything because of the use of reason.

Man: The man became the center of intellectual life.

Resultado de imagen para enlightenmentResultado de imagen para independence of america


  1. Siempre es bueno saber las causas de nuestra historia. El conocimiento nunca esta de más.

  2. Me encanta la historia, este articulo solo me ayudó a expandir mi conocimiento sobre el tema

  3. Me encanta esta época en la historia por todo lo que ha aportado en la actualidad y todo lo que pasó en ese momento con muchas revoluciones y cambios en los gobiernos y Europa


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